Bylaws for the Sinbad Desert ARC


1.	The name of the club shall be the Sinbad Desert Amateur Radio Club i.e.: "SDARC".

1.	The Sinbad Desert Amateur Radio Club shall elect no less than five (5) officers who will be responsible for the 
	operation of the club as follows:
		Northern Vice President
		Southern Vice President
		Secretary / Treasurer
		Communication Officer
2.	The duties of the elected officers will be as follows:
	(a)	President: The President will preside at all of the regular meetings of the club. He / She will
		also represent the club at all local, state, and national functions in which the club chooses to
		participate. The President will be responsible for the general operation of the club, appointing
		such committees as he / she may deem necessary for the Clubs operation. The President will
		have the authority to spend no more than $25.00 from the Club's treasury for emergency
		expenses without the prior approval of the majority of members assembled at a regular
		business meeting.
	(b)	Northern Vice President: He / She will assume the duties of the President in his / her absence
		taking charge of the meetings scheduled in his / her district when requested to do so by the
	(c)	Southern Vice President: He / She will assume the duties of the President in his / her absence
		taking charge of the meetings scheduled in his / her district when requested to do so by the
	(d)	Secretary / Treasurer: He / She will keep the minutes of each meeting both regular and
		special meetings. The Secretary / Treasurer will present all copies of bills to be paid at the
		regular business meetings for the approval of the members present. He / She will also
		receive monies into the Club, placing same into the Club's bank account. The Secretary /
		Treasurer will keep proper books pertaining to the financial transactions of the Club. These
		items are to be kept in a neat and orderly fashion and to be open to the membership at the
		first of each year to be reviewed and passed at a regular meeting by the membership. The 
		Directors will also have access to the records and the Secretary / Treasurer is responsible
		to give the Directors a quarterly, semi-annual, or annual report, whichever is voted by 
		the Directors.
	(e)	Communication Officer: The Communication Officer will be in charge of all field days
		insuring that proper Radio procedures are used at all times. He / She will also be responsible
		for the maintenance and operation of any Civil Defense facilities which the Club may become
		involved in.
	(f)	The Club Trustee will act in an advisory capacity to the Club. He / She will offer his / her
		advice and expertise to the membership when asked to do so. The Club Trustee will not
		be an elected officer, however the junior past-president will assume these duties upon
		retirement from the office of President. In the event the junior past-president is unable to
		fulfill this office the President with his / her core of officers will appoint a past-president to
		server out the term of office.
	(g)	An auditing committee consisting of three (3) members which will include the Secretary /
		Treasurer shall be appointed by the President to audit the Club's financial affairs and present
		their report to the membership. This report shall be presented to the club each January.
3.	The Election of Directors will be as follows:
	(a)	Election of Directors for the Sinbad Desert Amateur Radio Club will be held during the first
		regularly scheduled meeting in January. Nominations of candidates for elected offices will be
		placed in motion one (1) month prior to the elections with the Secretary notifying the
		membership at large the pending election. The nominations are to be so arranged that the
		candidates for President will be selected from the northern district one year and from the
		southern district on the alternating years to be alternating thereafter. The Carbon-Emery
		County line shall be defined as the boundary between the northern and southern districts.
1.	The area of membership for the Club shall be Southeastern Utah. 
	(a)	Members from outside this area will be solicited if they are not being served by an active 
		club or if they wish to hold dual membership in one or more clubs. Dual memberships will 
		be permitted by the Club.
	(b)	Membership in the Sinbad Desert Amateur Radio Club will not be restricted in any way 
		by sex, age, creed, race, or culture. Potential new members must show an interest in 
		Amateur Radio and be willing to work and support the Club.

	(c)	Membership dues will be $15.00 per year with a $5.00 initiation fee for all new members.

1.	The order of business shall be as follows:
	(a)	Call to Order
	(b)	Reading of the minutes of last regular meeting and all special meetings held
	(c)	Reading of communications and mail
	(d)	Presentation of bills for payment
	(e)	Old Business
	(f)	New Business
2.	Fund raising activities operated by the Club will be conducted in such a manner that they conform to all federal, state,
	and local laws.
3.	The operation and maintenance of repeater units sponsored by the Club will be the responsibility of the maintenance
	committee who will be appointed by the President with the approval of his core officers. All members will be
	expected to offer their services in the installation and maintenance of the equipment sponsored by the Club. It
	will be the responsibility of each member to maintain correct radio procedures when using these facilities. No
	member of the Club may purchase new or used equipment for the Club without the approval of a majority of the
	members assembled at a regular business meeting.
4.	Meeting days shall be the first Thursday of each month with special meetings to called by an elected officer as
	needed. Regular meetings shall be alternated between the northern and southern districts on a monthly basis. The
	Call to Order shall be no later than 8:00 p.m.
5.	All requests for club assistance shall be presented to the membership at a club meeting. The only exception will be
	Civil Emergencies.

DATED and passed this _________ day of _______________________________, 1982 by the membership of the

1.	The Autopatch will not be used to play back messages on answering machines or to bypass long distance charges
	when a regular telephone is available.

2.	Emergency traffic will be handled by one (1) operator at a time, the only exception is if he / she asks for
	additional assistance.

3.	Change nominations for Officers to the November meeting and Elections to the December meeting. New Officers
	will take over on January 1.
4.	The Club dues will raise from $15.00 Per Year with a $5.00 initiation fee for new members to $20.00 Per Year.

5.	Elect a "Fringe area of Representatives" from North and South areas of our repeater coverage area during regular
6.	The Autopatch will be for DUE paying members except for emergencies which shall be open for ALL users.

7.	Assess $5.00 each year for the AUTOPATCH fee which includes 10 autodial numbers. This assessment is	optional,
	if the Member does not want autodial numbers then this fee can be waved.
8.	DUES will be due on January 1st of each year instead of 12 months from the time the dues where paid initially.

9.	EMERGENCY PURCHASES may be made if two or more club officers make the Decision for the purchase. The Club 
	Secretary / Treasurer will be excluded from the decision making process. The Emergency is deemed as a "Life and 
	Property" emergency or a "Repeater Repair" in cases of approaching weather that may make the Repeater site
	non-accessible before the next scheduled meeting.

10.	Club Dues will be raised to $25.00 per year starting January 2004.

These Corrections and Amendments to the "Bylaws" have been passed and DATED this 8th day of January, 2004 
by the membership of the SINBAD DESERT AMATEUR RADIO CLUB.


Club Officer

11.     Club Dues will now be $15.00 per person and $20.00 per family per year starting January 2013.

These Corrections and Amendments to the "Bylaws" have been passed and DATED this 3rd day of January, 2013 
by the membership of the SINBAD DESERT AMATEUR RADIO CLUB.


Club Officer